Baldurs gate dark alliance gameplay

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The visuals depicted in the trailer are very clearly old school graphics, and IGN’s article makes it clear that this is simply a re-release with support for higher resolutions, not a remaster or a remake.īaldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is something of anomaly among action RPGs, because it’s one of the few that was a console-only title.

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It seems to be a relatively bare-bones re-release, though it does support up to 4K resolution to make it play nice with modern day consoles.Īside from that support for widescreen resolutions, don’t expect anything in the way of graphics or gameplay updates. The game was revealed by way of a new trailer that was published by IGN, which also has a few sparse details about it as well.

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Today, Interplay, Black Isle, and Wizards of the Coast announced a re-release of the original Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance title.